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What’s Your Ministry? | A Journey from Pain to Purpose

Writer: OYMOYM

How One Man Turned Struggle into Strength Through Faith, Resilience, and Action by “Staying In It” — and Is Now Helping Others Do the Same

Man (Joshua Horner) with headband and cross, laughing on a couch in soft-lit room. Another person blurred in background, creating a relaxed mood.
Pictured: Joshua Horner laughs with friends at a dinner in honor of the Feast of the Dormition. Photo Credit: Dave Luciew of UltraSnaps.

OYM was recently blessed to interview Joshua Horner, a personal coach, counselor, and motivational public speaker whose journey from struggle to strength has become a beacon of hope for many. After losing his father to suicide, Joshua faced years of anger and addiction before finding his way back through faith. Now in seminary, he travels to schools, churches, and recovery centers, sharing his powerful message of resilience, purpose, and staying present in the fight. His mantra—Stay In It—is more than a phrase; it’s a call to action for anyone seeking to overcome hardship and embrace their God-given purpose.

Through his personal testimony and powerful insights, Joshua challenges others to confront their struggles head-on, take responsibility for their growth, and trust that each step forward reveals the next. In our conversation, he shared his journey, his approach to public speaking, and his advice for those seeking to serve but unsure where to start.

OYM: Can you start by giving us a bit of a biography about yourself and your history with the Orthodox Church?

Joshua: My grandfather was the president of our parish, and later, he became an Archon of the Orthodox faith. So, the church was always a huge part of my life, and our family was very involved. However, as I grew up, I drifted away from the church. There were multiple losses in my life that pushed me away, but at the core of it, I was just angry. For a long time, I held onto that anger, until I matured enough to realize I shouldn’t be mad at God—I should seek Him for help, for salvation.

About eight or nine years ago, I came back to the church. There were people in my life who kept encouraging me, saying, "Hey, you should put Jesus back into your life. You should come back to church." At first, I brushed it off. Then, one night, I was working at Applebee’s, and I met a woman named Victoria. She introduced herself and told me her son, Will, had been one of my friends at Camp Nazareth, our diocese’s church camp. Will had since become a priest. Victoria told me, "I’m going to take you to church," and she did—for a year and a half.

That was the beginning of my return to faith. Over the last few years, God has pulled me closer and closer, to the point where I’m now entering seminary and dedicating my life to serving Him. My journey with the Church has been complicated, but I thank God for leading me back.

Looking to God for Help

OYM: Obviously, losing your father was a life-altering event. You’ve mentioned it a bit, but how did that experience shape your perspective on life, faith, and community?

Joshua: When my father took his life, I was in college, living my own life. I was away from home, playing football, partying, and doing what I wanted to do. But his death changed everything. He took his life on a bike path behind our house, just a block from the high school I attended. That event shattered my world.

Before that, my life had been relatively easy. I did well in school. I had big dreams. But after my father died, I turned away from God because I was angry. I thought, How could God let this happen to my family? It wreaked havoc on us—my mother was devastated, my little sisters were lost, and I felt completely broken. To cope, I turned to all the wrong things—alcohol, partying, avoidance. My mother, God bless her, did everything she could to hold us together.

Then, a few years later, I lost my mother. That broke me all over again. My mother was my best friend, the love of my life. When she died, a part of me died with her. It sent me even deeper into depression, even further away from God. And then, more loss came. My grandmother had a heart attack and passed away, and shortly after, my grandfather took his own life in a nursing home. My aunt died not long after that. Then, my best friend—someone who had supported me— took his own life in front of two female friends and me. These losses kept piling up, and I fell deeper and deeper.

For a long time, I lived in that darkness. I numbed the pain however I could, but nothing truly worked. It wasn’t until I reached my lowest point that I finally looked up. When everything else failed me, I started looking to God for help. That changed everything. It changed my view of the world, which had been so dark for so long.

OYM: Thank you for sharing that. It’s incredibly powerful. In an article I read about you, you mentioned being filled with anger and struggling with toxic behaviors after your father’s death. Was that moment at Applebee’s your turning point, or was there another defining moment when you decided to change course?

Joshua: Applebee’s was a step, but my real turning point came later. I had hit rock bottom. I had failed out of college—not because I wasn’t capable, but because I wasn’t dealing with my mental health. I was working at Applebee’s, spending money recklessly, and ignoring the weight of my grief.

Then, in 2015, I got my second DUI in Ocean City, Maryland. I was so scared of going to jail that I ran from it—for four years. I lost my license but still drove. The anxiety of constantly looking over my shoulder built up to unbearable levels. I was running from everything, including myself.

Eventually, a friend sat me down and said, "Josh, you can’t run from this anymore. You have to face it." A month later, in February 2019, I turned myself in to the police in Cumberland, Maryland. I went to trial and ended up in jail in Ocean City in June 2019. And that’s where everything changed.

In jail, I met a guy named Bobby. We started talking, and I shared a little bit of my story. He told me, "You’re here for a reason. You can help people in here." He invited me to church, and I agreed. It wasn’t a fancy service—just a guy with a Bible, talking about giving your life to Christ. And then Bobby pointed at me and said, "This guy’s story is crazy." I was embarrassed, but then something happened. I felt overwhelmed, like something was pulling me forward. The other inmates started encouraging me, saying, "Go up there, Josh." So, I did.

I said the prayer of salvation, and in that moment, it wasn’t me speaking—it was the Holy Spirit. When I sat back down, I looked at the bookshelf and right there, in bold letters, was my name: JOSHUA on the spine of the only orange book among several black Bibles. That’s when I saw Jesus for the first time. I broke down in tears. I apologized for everything—for running, for avoiding Him, for trying to do it all on my own. That night, I was on my knees, and I told God, "I will live for You."

Ever since then, I’ve been running toward Him with everything I have. When I got out, I became a support counselor and a drug and alcohol counselor. Then, I started speaking—traveling across Pennsylvania, talking to schools, sharing my story. That moment in jail wasn’t just a turning point—it was my salvation.

God gives us gifts, and we’re meant to use them and share them.

OYM: We’ve been highlighting and profiling people throughout the Orthodox Community with various gifts and how they shared and used them throughout their lives and faith journey. From what I understand, public speaking has become your calling. How did you discover that?

Joshua: It’s actually a crazy God story. At the time, I was in a really bad place. I wasn’t taking school seriously—I was barely going to class. I was only living on campus because I had nowhere else to go.

One of my assignments was to interview someone we knew who had struggled with depression and then integrate that story into our own experiences. I interviewed one of my best friends who had battled drug addiction and the depression that came with it. As I worked on the project, I started weaving in my own story—the loss of my parents, the loss of my friend.

Honestly, I don’t think anyone in that class really knew me. I had barely shown up all semester. But I knew I had to give this presentation if I wanted to pass. I was the last person to go—on the last day of class. And when I finished speaking, I looked out at my classmates and saw people crying. Afterward, some of them came up to me, telling me how much it had impacted them.

That’s when my professor, Susan Wise Work, pulled me aside. She said, “Josh, I think you need to pursue speaking. You need to share your story. She invited me to record my story with her, and later that semester—or maybe the next—she encouraged me to start getting my message out there.

Because of her prompting, I started reaching out to high schools in the area. I still can’t believe this is where my life has led. For the next eight years, Susan invited me back to her medical communications class to speak. That’s where I really started honing my skills and building confidence as a speaker.

Eventually, I founded my company, Stay In It. It’s all about staying in the present moment—being present to hear God, to see Him, to recognize the path He has for you. I started taking every opportunity I could to speak—at high schools, interest groups, businesses. Over time, my message evolved. It became less about look what I’ve been through and more about look what I’ve learned.

With my training as a support counselor and drug and alcohol counselor, I’ve gained both credibility and practical knowledge that I can share. One of the key things I teach is the concept of a wellness toolbox—practical skills for maintaining mental health. The number one thing in my toolbox? Prayer.

For a long time, I was nervous about talking about my faith in public schools. Some schools had told me, “You can’t outright discuss religion.” But I realized that if prayer is the most important tool for my mental health, I’m allowed to talk about it. So I started sharing more openly.

And what I’ve found is that students respond to it. After my talks, during the Q&A sessions, kids ask me about God—how I talk to Him, how they can know Him. It’s been humbling and beautiful.

Speaking is my passion. I love it. And I truly believe I’m helping people. That’s what it’s all about—it’s not about me. It’s about what you can give. God gives us gifts, and we’re meant to use them and share them.

Seek God in Every Moment

OYM: What does Stay In It mean to you personally? And how has that phrase become central to your message, your mission, and—by extension—your ministry?

Joshua: It wasn’t always religious or spiritual in nature at first. I actually have it tattooed right here on my hand. But before that, I used to write it on my skin every day with a magic marker. Every morning, I’d wake up and write, Stay In It. It was my way of telling myself, Come on, Josh. No matter what’s happened to you, keep going. Don’t get stuck in anxiety about the future. Don’t let the past weigh you down. Stay present.

Over time, as I grew and my faith deepened, Stay In It evolved into more than just a mantra—it became a mindset. Now, it means staying in the mindset of Christ. No matter how many challenges are in front of you, no matter how heavy life feels, stay in it, because God will see you through.

It’s become a lifestyle for me. Time and time again, this mindset has helped me through the hardest moments of my life.

OYM: Would you be open to sharing more about the spiritual aspect of Stay In It for our readers?

Joshua: Absolutely. At first, Stay In It was just a mental health thing—staying present, staying grounded. But as I surrendered my life to Christ, I realized something: God is the God of now. He exists beyond time—He isn’t bound by the past or the future. And if we can truly stay in the present, we start to discern His voice more clearly. We begin to understand what steps to take, what to say, what not to say, how to walk through life with Him.

That’s why Stay In It has become paramount in everything I do. It’s a constant reminder to stay present and seek Christ in every moment. And sometimes, when I glance down at my hand, I see those words tattooed there, and I remember: This isn’t just something written on my skin. It’s something I need to carry in my heart and mind, every single day.

That’s why I started giving out shirts with Stay In It on them. And I even changed one of the T’s to an Orthodox cross. It’s a symbol of what this phrase has become for me—a reminder of faith, perseverance, and trust in God.

OYM: So now you're in seminary. What was your calling like? What led you to take this step?

Joshua: When I was 18, I served at a Divine Liturgy as an altar server for the ordination of one of our priests, Father Matthew. Something happened to me that had never happened before—I was brought to tears at the altar. Up until then, I was the kid who goofed off a lot, but that day felt different. I had just come back from Camp Nazareth, which is one of the best places in the world, and I was feeling spiritually renewed.

I remember standing there during the ordination, sunlight pouring into the church, and I had this overwhelming feeling of peace. I didn’t even want to go to football camp afterward. My parents insisted, but something in me had shifted.

Then, the next semester, my father took his own life. That changed everything.

Years later, when I came back to Christ—about eight years ago—I knew I wanted to serve the Church in a deeper way. So I started asking about seminary, but I kept being told no because I didn’t have a college degree. That really frustrated me. I couldn’t understand why I needed a degree to follow my calling.

But then, one day, everything changed. I was back in Susan’s class, giving a speech—one of the best I’d ever given—dedicated to my grandmother, who had passed away a month earlier. Before she died, I told her I wanted to become a priest. She told me, “If God wills it, He’ll make a way.

And then, on January 6, 2023, I got a message from Susan: “Josh, all your past tuition payments have been covered, and you’ve been paid for the next year to finish your degree. Go be what you’re supposed to be.”

She and some of my professors had come together and paid off $20,000 so I could finish school. That was it. That was my path. I completed my degree in December 2023, and the only thing left was to get a blessing from the Metropolitan to enter seminary.

It took seven years of waiting, but now I’m here. It’s not always easy, but it’s exactly where I need to be.

OYM: So, going back to your public speaking—what are the main topics you cover? And do they change depending on your audience, whether it’s high school students or other groups?

Joshua: I cover a lot of the same core themes, but I tailor my talks based on who I’m speaking to. Before an event, I usually set up a Zoom call with the school or organization. I’ll ask, “What are your students struggling with? Based on my story, what do you think I can help with?” That helps shape my approach.

But in general, I focus on the following:

Mental health: I talk about struggles with depression, anxiety, and the impact of substance abuse.

Responsibility: What are your dreams? Your goals? Are your actions—like partying, skipping school, or avoiding hard work—getting you closer to them or further away?

The "Two Wolves" story: There are two wolves at war in your heart. One is fed by greed, lust, anger, and deception. The other is fed by love, compassion, bravery, and courage. The one that wins is the one you choose to feed. Doing the right thing doesn’t always feel good, but it’s still the right thing. Choosing to be a good wolf—choosing kindness, integrity, and strength—shapes who you become and how you impact the world.

"Leveling up" your life: I compare self-improvement to upgrading your character in a video game—studying, working hard, and making good choices are all ways to level up your “avatar.” What are you doing to get to where you want to go? Just like in a video game, you have to level up—you have to take responsibility, put in the work, and make choices that move you toward your goals. You can’t expect to grow without effort. If you’re not actively working toward something, you’re either standing still or falling behind.

Building your fire: The fire in your heart represents the gifts God has given you. You might not know exactly what they are yet or how to cultivate them, but like any fire, you start small. Little sparks—small steps. The more you feed that fire, the stronger it grows. And the brighter you burn, the more you can help others. Some people are lost, cold, and in the dark. Your fire—your passion, your purpose—can provide them warmth and light. And when they see your fire, they might be inspired to build their own. Eventually, we can have a whole community of people on fire—on fire for Christ.

Breathwork and mindfulness: I teach techniques for reducing anxiety, like deep breathing and grounding exercises.

Gratitude: One of the most powerful tools for overcoming depression is recognizing what we’re grateful for. I have students come up on stage for team-building activities that reinforce this.

Building a wellness toolbox: I help students identify the things that keep them mentally and emotionally well, from exercise and hobbies to prayer and community.

My goal is always to leave people with something practical—tools they can actually use in their daily lives. And through it all, I try to remind them: No matter what you’re going through, stay in it. Keep going. Don’t quit.

Keep moving forward, and the path will reveal itself.

OYM: Do you have any advice for those who feel called to serve but may be hesitant to do so? 

Joshua: If your heart is for Christ and you truly want to help but don’t know where to start—just take one step. You don’t need to see the whole path. When you take one step, the next one usually becomes clear.

If you have a gift but don’t know how to use it, start by applying it to those around you. Maybe that means having a conversation, showing up to an event, or learning from those already serving in ministry. Action leads to clarity.

Don’t just sit around planning, overthinking, or waiting for the perfect opportunity. When I started reaching out to schools, I contacted 30 and only two responded. But now, I’m consistently speaking at multiple schools each semester. Why? Because I kept taking action, even when doors closed.

Massive action. Consistent action. Even when you’re tired. Even when you feel discouraged. Keep moving forward, and the path will reveal itself. It’s a continual process, and the more you step out in faith, the more you’ll understand your purpose.

Action is imperative.

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